Tax Refunds Where’s My Tax Refund? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Jan 31, 2014 - [Updated Sep 7, 2017] 3 min read The IRS officially opened for the 2014 tax season today and a common question asked around this time is “Where’s My Refund?” Many taxpayers also have questions about how the process of getting tax refunds and refund timing works. We know you work hard for your money and wanted to answer some of the most common questions we see about the issuance of tax refunds. Here is a breakdown of how your tax return will progress through 3 stages with the IRS -“Return Received”, “Return Approved”, and “Refund Sent” once you e-file and where you can go to check your refund status so you understand “Where’s My Refund?”: Refund Process Start checking status 24 – 48 hours after e-file – Once you e-file with direct deposit, you can start checking the status of your return 24 – 48 hours after you e-file on the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. Return Received Notice within 24 – 48 hours after e-file – The IRS Where’s My Refund tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return. You will not see a refund date until the IRS finishes processing your tax return and approves your tax refund. Status change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved” – Once the IRS finishes processing your tax return and confirms your tax refund is approved, your status will change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved”. Sometimes the change in status can take a few days, but it could take longer and a date will not be provided in Where’s My Refund? until your tax return is processed and your tax refund is approved. Where’s My Refund? tool shows refund date – The IRS will provide an actual refund date once your status moves to “Refund Approved”. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in 21 days or less. Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent” – You’re now closer to your biggest tax refund! If the status in Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent”, the IRS has sent your tax refund to your financial institution for direct deposit. It can take 1 to 5 days for your financial institution to deposit funds into your account. If you requested that your tax refund be mailed, it could take several weeks for your check to arrive. Here are more answers to your common questions about your tax refund: Will I see a date right away when I check status in “Where’s My Refund”? Where’s My Refund will not give you a date until your tax return is received, processed, and your tax refund is approved by the IRS It’s been longer than 21 days since the IRS has received my tax return and I have not received my tax refund. What’s happening? Some tax returns take longer than others to process depending on your tax situation. Some of the reasons it may take longer are incomplete information, an error, or the IRS needs to review it further. What other sources can I use to check my refund status? Once you have e-filed your tax return with TurboTax, you can check your status using MyTurboTax. You can even check your status on the go from your mobile device using TurboTax free app MyTaxRefund. If you haven’t e-filed your taxes yet, you can start today. You may even be able to e-file your federal tax return for free and have your biggest tax refund in your pocket within 21 days. Previous Post 5 Common Tax Forms You Should Expect in the Mail Next Post EITC Awareness Day: Common Questions About Earned Income Tax Credit… Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 3,444 responses to “Where’s My Tax Refund?” « Older Comments Newer Comments » we filed on the feb 2nd and says projected date was 2/24/15 but nothing and u cant get threw on irs phone numbers they provide!!! typical though 21 days passed and gone …and yet no answers Reply I too am past the 21 days. I was accepted on 1/31 and received my state in just over a week but my federal is still processing with no status bar. I haven’t received an error msg or a letter in the mail and attempting to call just triples the frustration of it all. It is nearly impossible to speak to someone. We all worked hard for our money and it is much needed in most cases. We deserve an explanation at the very least. Reply did you claim any tax credits on the return, especially health. did you receive yours? I e-filed with turbotax on 2/13/15 and I still haven’t gotten anything besides my state which came 3 days later DD. turbotax says accepted but the IRS wheres my refund says still being processed. freaking out College student. That’s wat happened to me. I filled and was accepted on the 12th. I got my state back a week later. My federal is still processing and now my status bar is gone. B taxed…. is it the triangle with the exclamation point in the middle & then under it says we are processing your return? I am OVER THIS!!! I have tried calling numerous times & cant get to a person it tells me they are all busy & to call back using an extension they give me (462), when i do that it does the exact same thing!! VERY frustrating & I got an email yesterday from Turbo Tax stating I owe them my fees (I was just deducting from my refund) with this blurb: However, our records indicate that your refund, after adjustment, was insufficient to pay the amount of these fees. Although we have no way of knowing, the IRS may have adjusted your refund to satisfy existing debts including child support, back taxes, student loans and state taxes, among other reasons. Your remaining fees for TurboTax services sum…….. So my question is What the heck??? I havent gotten a thing from the IRS about them adjusting my refund, it actually still shows its being processed SO…. does Turbo Tax know more than I do about my refund or is it b/c It was accepted on 1/31 & its been over 30 days & they havent been paid yet? I need answers! I’m waiting on my refund to get some surgery that I need to have done & was using a portion of it for my deductible? I efiled Feb 4th, it was received by the IRS and the projected date was Feb 25th. It has not been processed according to the where’s my refund tool. I did get through the line, but all it said was exactly the same thing as it does on line, received but not processed. I’m very frustrated. Reply heres the 3/1/15 and still nothing was accepted on 2/3/15 said still stuck on accepted screen think this is crap …will be last time I file with turbo Reply (877) 777-4778 is the number to call for a direct person , but requires lots of patience , it took me 45 minutes to be directed to the person I needed to talk to , but it is guaranteed to work as long as you call anywhere from 7am to 7pm Reply For everyone asking how to reach irs directly (877) 777-4778 it’s the tax advocate number , they can transfer you to whoever you need depending on your situation but it takes patience becaus I waited 15 minutes to be transferred and another 30 before I got to talk to anyone Reply I filed on 1/28/15 and was accepted the next day. After checking the where’s my refund site, i found that the colored bars disappeared around 2/9/15. I waited until this morning to call (26 days) and the person I spoke with told me it was pulled for “fraud prevention”. I had to pull out my return and answer some questions to verify my identity. She then stated it will be finished “by hand” by the IRS, and I should receive my refund in 6-8 weeks from the date it was pulled (2/9/15). Worst case scenario the refund will be sent April 6th. Glad I called, they said they would have “probably gotten around to sending a letter” but really they rely on the taxpayer to call when it has been more than 21 days. I was reading all of these blogs afraid I was being audited, when all I needed to do was call. By the way, it is hard to get in touch with them. So, do what I did: Call 1-800-829-1040, then press the following commands: 1, 2, 2, 4,1. You will be transferred to someone who will ask what you need, state individual refund status. They will then transfer you again, and finally someone who can tell you what the f*&% is going on will pick up!!! I was on hold for the first person about 5 mins, and the second about 15 mins. Total time on my phone was under 30 mins! Good luck! Reply I had the same problem but then I called them and they told me that I would probably recieve a notice soon then the health marketplace called me and said my 1095 A form had one wrong number on it and that they would mail me a new one in march, so my question is , will they have to ammend my whole tax refund now ? Reply My refund status still says it’s processing even though they are waiting for my 1095A Reply I am having the hardest time processing the fact that there are people who create fake tax information file and get a refund back in less than 10 day’s. Here i am someone who honestly works and get audit, or any other issue’s with refund. I’m wondering when will the IRS GET BETTER CONTROL ON THAT? Reply so true this is something I’m dealing with from 2012. They took part of my taxes due to that I’ve been sending in proof since last year. They have finally fixed it but taking forever to send my money. Reply I filed my taxes February 8th, I have already received my state refund. But my federal is still being processed. Why is it taking so long this year for them to issue refunds. I know many people who filed before and after me that have already received their refunds weeks ago? The status bar on where’s my refund has disappeared and it has said processing with no date for a week now. I am very annoyed with all the run around. Especially after having the penalty because I chose not to take obamacare last year. I work hard for my money all year long and go without things so they can have their tax money. And I am still waiting for them to return my hard earned money back to me that I overpaid. Reply I think if you don’t have a regular checking account but a liquid or prepaid credit card it is taking longer to verify that the funds belong to you because of scam-er Reply Efiled on jan 16th accepted on the 20th and still shows being processed. i am single, nothing special and first time to file as I am just 19. I owe no one or nothing. I call and only get recording. How do I talk to someone? Reply Anyone getting a tax offset message on Turbo tax who hasn’t received their refund yet? I filed on Jan 31st and still haven’t received my refund. IRS website says “still processing for 2 weeks now. Whats up with the “offset” message on Turbo Tax? I don’t owe child support or anything and I called the BFS and it said I have no federal tax issues that would offset my refund. Anyone else getting this message and where is my refund? Reply I filed both mine and my boyfriend’s taxes on 2/12. They were accepted almost immediately. His refund was approved on the 16th and deposited last night on the 20th. I’m still waiting for my refund to be approved. I haven’t received anything yet int he mail that says I’m being audited, but I’m worried because I have a fairly large return with two dependents. My boyfriend had one dependent though and didn’t seem to have any issue. 🙁 This slow process just bites. Reply If you’re being audit, it could be a number of reasons but look forward to the 21 day process. Reply Have you recieved yours yet? My bf filed his jan 27 and still hasn’t recieved his he also claimed 2 dependents.Yesterday he recieved his state but still no federal Reply I filed on 1/28/15 and was accepted the next day. After checking the where’s my refund site, i found that the colored bars disappeared around 2/9/15. I waited until this morning to call (26 days) and the person I spoke with told me it was pulled for “fraud prevention”. I had to pull out my return and answer some questions to verify my identity. She then stated it will be finished “by hand” by the IRS, and I should receive my refund in 6-8 weeks from the date it was pulled (2/9/15). Worst case scenario the refund will be sent April 6th. Glad I called, they said they would have “probably gotten around to sending a letter” but really they rely on the taxpayer to call when it has been more than 21 days. I was reading all of these blogs afraid I was being audited, when all I needed to do was call. By the way, it is hard to get in touch with them. So, do what I did: Call 1-800-829-1040, then press the following commands: 1, 2, 2, 4,1. You will be transferred to someone who will ask what you need, state individual refund status. They will then transfer you again, and finally someone who can tell you what the f*&% is going on will pick up!!! I was on hold for the first person about 5 mins, and the second about 15 mins. Total time on my phone was under 30 mins! Good luck! What state are you guys in? Hi Tonya, Hope you guys got something by now. Just wanted to update you that I got a partial amount back the other night. I was informed via wmr that the IRS would be sending me a letter requesting more information. This is my first year claiming my dependents, so it’s going to be a grand time gathering up the proof I need for the IRS to be satisfied. Hi Ashley have you received you return yet? I was accepted on the 5th and still nothing 🙁 Reply When I checked the wmr site a few days ago it let me know they were sending a letter requesting additional information, probably proof for my dependents since this is the first year I’ve claimed them. Yesterday a partial amount of my tax return was transferred to my bank. I assume I’ll get the rest whenever I’m able to provide the IRS with whatever information they want. Which from what I heard is usually beyond ridiculous as far as dependents go. I filed my taxes 1/24/15, almost 28 days later and nothing. I check “Where’s my refund” and it just says that it is still processing and I will be notified of a refund date. I’m so frustrated, I can not get a hold of a live person.. Turbo tax said 21 days, I guess I shouldn’t have believed that. Anyone else with this problem? Reply Yep I’m now 30 days in and it says the same for me idk why either Reply Well I just checked mine and says deposit date of February 26. Same here Laura I filed the 4th was accepted the 5th but still have not been approved. I haven’t recieved anything in the mail saying there’s a problem but I have never waited this long for a refund, I’m worried and frustrated… The 25th will be my 21st day. Reply It could be you’re being audit. I would try to contact the irs or maybe go too the local office. Reply I was accepted & approved…then delayed…i have not received anything yet…i called irs they said keep checking & i have not received a letter yet Same thing mines said I spoke with the irs representative she said the irs has eight weeks to process tax returns. Reply Ok for all u …….i filed 2/2/15 it was received on 2/3 15 …..21 days passed called in and said i had to wait 6to 8 weeks…. Well when that was up i called in again and was told they sent a referral in fo get appoved which was on 4/13/15 then 2 days later my status changed to just return being processed..on 4/15/15 am now i am pleased to say my return is finally on way as status changed to be depsoiteed 4/18//15 so will depsoit on 4/22/15 the wait is over good luck all I’m having the same exact problem! Accepted on the 5th now bars are gone and it says the will notify me… 21 days today and sat on the phone as long as I could which was over 44 mins without speaking to anyone! My State tax number just says “due to extremely high call volume we can not answer your call now, call back” Has anyone on the blog received their return yet? Can you please update the rest of us. Thank you Reply Yes! I have no idea why! Reply I filed my taxes on the jam 21st they received them the same day 29 days later still not approved is there a direct number to call the irs to find out what’s going on? Reply I just talk to the IRS and was told someone try to put in for a tax refund last year in my name and now they are reviewing mine this year to make sure I am the right person so I can take as long as April 6th to get my return. Did turbo tax get hit and lose your information and no one told us because I have been filing with them since 2012 and not this happen and no one said anything. I am very upset Reply Hi Stephanie, TurboTax has not had any breaches in their system. Identity theft generally happens outside of the tax filing process when people get your social security number and other information from a stolen wallet or other methods. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply your lucky they told me June Reply Everyone is getting the same script! Not just TT users…this sux! Reply what number did you call? Reply My husband and I filed jointly with out bby as a dependent an we filed on the 12th an I check the status on an it says Received my husband claimed us Last year an we got our refund back in a week. So im wondering how long would it take this time .my baby an I have insurance but my husband dont. Reply The IRS deposited the money to my account on 2/12/15 but I still don’t see it midnight 2/16/15?? Reply they may have taken it thats what happened last year. I said then why state that it was deposited Reply I efiled my taxes on January 12th and was accepted the next day. Well I got a letter 4464C in the mail stating I was under review. I looked at my transcript online and showed code 570. Anyone have this problem? I am a single mom and could really use that refund quick. Reply How long will my taxes take? I filed on the 31st and the where’s my refund site still hasn’t approved yet? Why are they taking so long this year?? Reply I filed my sisters and my taxes on the 3rd I had both going to my account because she didn’t have an account at the time I received mine this morning but hers couldn’t get accepted at my bank because unknowingly, they don’t accept third party checks so it has to be sent back to be he irs. My question is how long will it take for them to cut her check once it is received from the bank now. Reply Hi, The IRS will first have to research why the check was sent back to them. I would start by calling the IRS to find out how long and the status. Here is more information Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply You cant even speak to anybody it can take up to 21 days. Reply We filed and were accepted on 1/31/15 still no update on wmr. We did owe back taxes but are still expecting a refund. All the charts say the deposit should occur tomorrow. Any ideas on when to expect our refund? Reply Also I can not get my transcripts for 2014 yet but it has a date of Feb 23, 2015 in one of the sections. Reply Hi, If you owe back taxes your refund can take longer than the average time. The IRS will use your tax refund to cover back taxes first and then issue whatever is left. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply Will it take longer for info to show on wmr cause i filed on feb 3 but still no info on the website and i owed 200 dollars but im still expecting a refund I efiled my taxes on 1/26 got accepted the same day just got my refund approved status today so like everyone else I was worried but they have millions of tax returns to process so give it some time you will get your refund approved got a deposit date of 2/18.. Reply I filed my taxes on January 26, the turbotax website says my taxes was accepted but the irs website says still processing. I still haven’t received my refund what could this mean. Reply Got accepted on 1/28 and dd 2/11 Hope eeveryone gets theirs soon Reply I filed my simple return ( one w2, claimed 2 kids) on January 16th. It was accepted on January 20th. After a few days the staus bar on WMR dissapeared. It still has not come back and still getting the message ” your tax return is still processing”. Tomorrow will be day 21 since my taxes were accepted. I’ve never had this problem and usually have my refund withen a week. It’s very frustrating. Anyone having the same issue? Any advice? Reply Same thing happened to me have you got a date yet? Reply WAS ACCEPTED ON JAN20 STILL NO DD DATE AND FRIDAY MY BARS WERE GONE Reply has anyone files a return on feb 3 got a ddd yet Reply Completed taxes on feb 3, got my federal back on 2/11 no state yet Reply Nope, I’m still waiting too. Reply I filed on Feb. 4th and it was immediately accepted. Today I checked the IRS Where’s My Refund Site and it states my refund will be deposited into my account by February 12th. Also, I filed my fiances through Turbotax on January 26th, and he received his refund deposit on February 3rd. Reply jessy. did yall have unsurance all year. i filed mine through turbotax on feb. 3, accepted the same day and i still have one bar and no date Reply Around what time was it deposited? Mines was suppose to be deposited today and I checked at 12 and it wasn’t in my account Reply The IRS had accepted our return on Jan 28, and we are still waiting. I claimed a educational credit for college and I had seen that it was a pattern with some people who had claimed them not getting their refunds in a timely manner. Our insurance also gets taken out of my huband’s check. When I was looking into stuff yesterday I found a chart for people who e-filed that if your return was accepted by the IRS by 11am between Jan 20-Jan30 than a direct deposit would be sent on FEB.11. Reply I done my on 1/29/15 and its on the first bar when will I get approved? Reply I filed mines on January 29 and I was approved for processing the same day. Then I checked my status yesterday and my refund was approved and should be in my account February 11 I talk to the irs today on 19 of February that was my 21 day mark but got some bad new that they but a hold on my income tax return for 45 to 60 day because they need to review it some more they didn’t tell me what they were looking for. where did you find that chart? I filed and was accepted on the 23 of January and still shows that it is being processed. This is the longest I have waited. I have family that filed after me and already have their returns back. I had a HSA and a FSA account for medical could this slow it down? Reply How can you get your transcripts? Reply Call 800-829-1040 to request a copy of your transcript. Reply Feb 7 and still no taxes. I was accepted on jan 15. Still just says processing Reply you may be getting audited Reply Can someone give us all answers?!?! Reply I filed my taxes on the 16th of January and was immediately accepted. I received my state return very promptly but I am still waiting on my federal. I have checked the IRS website everyday and it still says that it is being processed. My sister filed her taxes last Saturday and her federal return was direct deposited yesterday. The only thing that I can assume is holding things up is that I had to take the penalty for not having insurance for my husband and myself, but my daughter is insured. It is becoming frustrating. Reply Kathryn I feel your pain, I filed on the 31st and I have received my state and not my federal. My friend filed on the 27th or 28th and she got her taxed back this week (Feb 2nd) Reply I don’t believe the penalty for no insurance should make a difference, even though I am seeing that is a similiar pattern in alot of people who haven’t gotten theirs! But I filed 1/22, had insurance all year taken out of my paycheck, and still haven’t received mine! Reply I had/ have obama care I was accepted on the 22nd, just found out this morning 7th I was approved, should be here by the 11th, so I understand Reply Mine were received on Jan 23, 2015 & I have been checking the status every day on the Irs website, but the status has not changed, why is it taking so long? What if it goes past 21 days? If something was wrong, will they notify me? Reply They were also Accepted by the Irs on the 23rd. Status still says accepted as of today. Reply they suppose to send a letter you haven’ gotten one go to your nearst irs office, underneath that bar on bottom there is or may show word topic with 3 numbers and you can look it up what it means right there Reply last year mine set like that and come to find out i was being audited when it takes along time past 2wks you are being audited Reply I am in the same boat. Everyone in my family got their refund already and mine is still showing accepted. I can’t find out from anyone at all (including turbo tax) what is taking so long. So, I am just counting on not getting my refund, but I sure wish I could find out why. Reply I,too,am in the same boat.I went to the same tax preparer that I’ve went to for the last 15+yrs. and they did my taxes and an efile,that was Jan.20 and on the 22nd. they were processing and have been every since and I have friends that filed later and already have their money,so I too,have been assuming the worst.Only thing different with me is the penalty for no health insurance. Reply I filed on the 20th and it was accepted the same day. WMR has only said processing since day 1. What is the deal? Reply I filed 1/20 and got accepted 1/20 now I have no bars and its saying return still being processed and a refund date will provided when available has anyone else got this and what does it means? Reply Have u received your ddd yet? Reply Did you figure out why yet? I too am getting the same thing. Reply means you wont get refund they are reviewing return Reply My bars have gone away completely. It went from one bar with topic 152 and the bottom to nothing now. That could this mean? I filed the 28th. Kinda worried, audited Reply I have and I am really getting upset! I filed 2-1-15 and i know ppl that filed the same day and got theirs back already and mine says the same thing as yours! I can ‘t understand y they are allowed to hold our money up cause we can’t do this to them! ugh Reply I got accepted on 01/13/2015 had one bar until sunday and it says processing, I tried to call IRS and the woman said dont call back till it has been 21 days after the 20th. is anyone else having the same problem? Reply I am. And the number i call is just automated. Cant talk to live person. What nimber did u call? Reply Who did u call. ?? I cant get a live person Reply Mine was accepted on 1/15 and still just says accepted I e-filed with turbotax on 2/13/15 and I still haven’t gotten anything besides my state which came 3 days later DD. turbotax says accepted but the IRS wheres my refund says still being processed. freaking out College student. I never had a bar or anything Reply Accepted 1/26/15 still no DDD and cannot order tax transcripts. Reply I filed my taxes Jan 22, 2015 and the wmr status has been in the accepted status since day 1 and has not changed still today. Does anyone have any idea why it has been 12 days with no changes. Reply i filed and sent mine in on the 15th I got accepted on the 20th and only have been accepted thats all no ddd or approval yet . my family have already received their returns and they did it the 25th. can someone please tell me whats going on Reply I filed on 1/13/15, it showed that the IRS had accepted it 2 days later but it has not moved yet. As of 2/2/15, it still says it’s being processed Reply I filed on 01/12/15 and mine still says being processed on wmr but today when I checked my transcripts it has code 846 refund issued with a date of 02/23/15. so check your transcripts Reply how do you check your transcripts? Question for those that have gotten their refund or knows someone that has gotten their refund. The date that is given is that the date it’s in your account of just the date it has been sent to your account? Thank you Reply on the irs website my refund WAS supposed to depoist Jan 30 2015, it’s Feb 1 and still no sign. I don’t understand when it says it was depoisted in my bank. Very aggervated Reply you shouldcall 800-304-3107 and make sure you dont hava a offset. That happend to me before and I owed student loans so even though it said it was deposited it never went into my bank. Not trying to scare you but just check to be sure. Hope this helps. Reply Your tax refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank by February 2, 2015. I just called my bank and there’s no direct deposit pending 🙁 Reply I checked the sbbt and they have no records found for me. I was accepted on 1/20 and still waiting my friend filed 1/21 and received her money on the 30th !!!! I did have a no insurance penalty. Does that mean anything Reply Finally got a DD of feb 4. I called the IRS it seems alot of early filers were not approved or even looked at till after those who filed on the 20th. Im not sure whether to believe the woman from the IRS but its what happend to me. I filed on the 12th and got accepted the same day. didnt get approved till the 31st. Good luck to everyone!!! Reply I filed on 1/24/15 around 9am got accepted an hr later received my approval 1/31/2015 & date of deposit 2/4/2015 Reply My return was filed on the 14th and accepted on the 20th and still has no status of update of being approved or anything. Called the IRS and was told I have to wait 3 wks. This is frustrating!! Reply For people thats wondering why others are getting approved after you its because your probably a weekly account. Weekly accounts are ones that only get a update once a wk if its been more then 4 to 5 days odds are your a weekly now daily accounts are ones that get updates daily and DDD the following week. Hope this answer everyone question Reply How you know if you a weekly account? when do they update the ones that are weekly accounts? how did you find this information out? If its been more then 4 or 5 days since you got accepted then most likely your a weekly. Weekly accounts only update on fridays i will post a link with more info about it Ok guys, I’m gonna try to explain the daily verses weekly cycle to the best of my ability.All of this comes directly from the IRS manual. Daily accounts post within 4 days, weekly accounts post within 7. Most taxpayers will fall into the daily “accelerated” processing. If you are in a weekly account…your refund will “post” within a week of being accepted and your DDD will be scheduled for the following Thursday. Account conditions that prevent accounts from being marked daily are conditions such as (list is not all inclusive): 1. ITIN Accounts 2. Foreign Addresses 3. Campus Addresses 4. Identity Theft Indicators 5. Prisoner File 6. Related MFT 31 Account (e.g., Bankruptcy, Offer-In-Compromise, Installment Agreements, Innocent Spouse) 7. Criminal Investigation Activity 8. Civil Penalty Account (MFT 55) 9. Tax Module History (two years prior) with CI, Exam or Collection Activity I filed on the 23rd approved same day. I tried checking today an it won’t let me. Anyone else having this issue? Reply I filed on the 23 and was accepted less than a hour later, but there have not been any updates on mine to say if it is approved yet. My friend filed at the same time and already shows approved and a DD date is set as of Saturday. Reply I got the same problem, I filed on the 23 its was accepted 30 minutes later, And today is the 3rd a d still no updates.., Was it approved the same day or accepted Reply Hi Melissa, I filed on the 24th, and was accepted less than an hour later, and don’t even have a timeline on my account. It still says it is processing. Reply Was accepted on the 26th and i checked my refund status on wmr and enter my info then it says the info dont match the records to re enter?!?what can that mean ? I checked it early in the week had tax topic 152. And one bar. And now nothing ! Reply I filed using turbo tax efile direct deposit to my netspend card on the 27th,it was accepted that day. Netspend sent me a message notifing me that there was a direct deposit made from the IRS on the 30th..I was . Shocked.. I have never heard of anyone getting their refund that quickly…mind you I am not complaining but just the opposite…I checked the “wheres my refund” and it only showed one bar(been accepted) and that was all..I checked my netspend account and it was true. My refund had been deposited…. Reply « Older Comments Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Income Tax by State Kentucky State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide TurboTax News TurboTax’s New Super Bowl Ad… Starring Issa Rae! Self-Employed How Can I Avoid Paying Tax on Rental Income? Income Tax by State Nevada State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide Income Tax by State Texas State Income Tax for 2025: A Guide Income Tax by State Florida State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide Income Tax by State Michigan State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide Income Tax by State Minnesota State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide Income Tax by State Maryland State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide Income Tax by State California State Income Tax in 2025: A Guide
we filed on the feb 2nd and says projected date was 2/24/15 but nothing and u cant get threw on irs phone numbers they provide!!! typical though 21 days passed and gone …and yet no answers Reply
I too am past the 21 days. I was accepted on 1/31 and received my state in just over a week but my federal is still processing with no status bar. I haven’t received an error msg or a letter in the mail and attempting to call just triples the frustration of it all. It is nearly impossible to speak to someone. We all worked hard for our money and it is much needed in most cases. We deserve an explanation at the very least. Reply
did you receive yours? I e-filed with turbotax on 2/13/15 and I still haven’t gotten anything besides my state which came 3 days later DD. turbotax says accepted but the IRS wheres my refund says still being processed. freaking out College student.
That’s wat happened to me. I filled and was accepted on the 12th. I got my state back a week later. My federal is still processing and now my status bar is gone.
B taxed…. is it the triangle with the exclamation point in the middle & then under it says we are processing your return? I am OVER THIS!!! I have tried calling numerous times & cant get to a person it tells me they are all busy & to call back using an extension they give me (462), when i do that it does the exact same thing!! VERY frustrating & I got an email yesterday from Turbo Tax stating I owe them my fees (I was just deducting from my refund) with this blurb: However, our records indicate that your refund, after adjustment, was insufficient to pay the amount of these fees. Although we have no way of knowing, the IRS may have adjusted your refund to satisfy existing debts including child support, back taxes, student loans and state taxes, among other reasons. Your remaining fees for TurboTax services sum…….. So my question is What the heck??? I havent gotten a thing from the IRS about them adjusting my refund, it actually still shows its being processed SO…. does Turbo Tax know more than I do about my refund or is it b/c It was accepted on 1/31 & its been over 30 days & they havent been paid yet? I need answers! I’m waiting on my refund to get some surgery that I need to have done & was using a portion of it for my deductible?
I efiled Feb 4th, it was received by the IRS and the projected date was Feb 25th. It has not been processed according to the where’s my refund tool. I did get through the line, but all it said was exactly the same thing as it does on line, received but not processed. I’m very frustrated. Reply
heres the 3/1/15 and still nothing was accepted on 2/3/15 said still stuck on accepted screen think this is crap …will be last time I file with turbo Reply
(877) 777-4778 is the number to call for a direct person , but requires lots of patience , it took me 45 minutes to be directed to the person I needed to talk to , but it is guaranteed to work as long as you call anywhere from 7am to 7pm Reply
For everyone asking how to reach irs directly (877) 777-4778 it’s the tax advocate number , they can transfer you to whoever you need depending on your situation but it takes patience becaus I waited 15 minutes to be transferred and another 30 before I got to talk to anyone Reply
I filed on 1/28/15 and was accepted the next day. After checking the where’s my refund site, i found that the colored bars disappeared around 2/9/15. I waited until this morning to call (26 days) and the person I spoke with told me it was pulled for “fraud prevention”. I had to pull out my return and answer some questions to verify my identity. She then stated it will be finished “by hand” by the IRS, and I should receive my refund in 6-8 weeks from the date it was pulled (2/9/15). Worst case scenario the refund will be sent April 6th. Glad I called, they said they would have “probably gotten around to sending a letter” but really they rely on the taxpayer to call when it has been more than 21 days. I was reading all of these blogs afraid I was being audited, when all I needed to do was call. By the way, it is hard to get in touch with them. So, do what I did: Call 1-800-829-1040, then press the following commands: 1, 2, 2, 4,1. You will be transferred to someone who will ask what you need, state individual refund status. They will then transfer you again, and finally someone who can tell you what the f*&% is going on will pick up!!! I was on hold for the first person about 5 mins, and the second about 15 mins. Total time on my phone was under 30 mins! Good luck! Reply
I had the same problem but then I called them and they told me that I would probably recieve a notice soon then the health marketplace called me and said my 1095 A form had one wrong number on it and that they would mail me a new one in march, so my question is , will they have to ammend my whole tax refund now ? Reply
I am having the hardest time processing the fact that there are people who create fake tax information file and get a refund back in less than 10 day’s. Here i am someone who honestly works and get audit, or any other issue’s with refund. I’m wondering when will the IRS GET BETTER CONTROL ON THAT? Reply
so true this is something I’m dealing with from 2012. They took part of my taxes due to that I’ve been sending in proof since last year. They have finally fixed it but taking forever to send my money. Reply
I filed my taxes February 8th, I have already received my state refund. But my federal is still being processed. Why is it taking so long this year for them to issue refunds. I know many people who filed before and after me that have already received their refunds weeks ago? The status bar on where’s my refund has disappeared and it has said processing with no date for a week now. I am very annoyed with all the run around. Especially after having the penalty because I chose not to take obamacare last year. I work hard for my money all year long and go without things so they can have their tax money. And I am still waiting for them to return my hard earned money back to me that I overpaid. Reply
I think if you don’t have a regular checking account but a liquid or prepaid credit card it is taking longer to verify that the funds belong to you because of scam-er Reply
Efiled on jan 16th accepted on the 20th and still shows being processed. i am single, nothing special and first time to file as I am just 19. I owe no one or nothing. I call and only get recording. How do I talk to someone? Reply
Anyone getting a tax offset message on Turbo tax who hasn’t received their refund yet? I filed on Jan 31st and still haven’t received my refund. IRS website says “still processing for 2 weeks now. Whats up with the “offset” message on Turbo Tax? I don’t owe child support or anything and I called the BFS and it said I have no federal tax issues that would offset my refund. Anyone else getting this message and where is my refund? Reply
I filed both mine and my boyfriend’s taxes on 2/12. They were accepted almost immediately. His refund was approved on the 16th and deposited last night on the 20th. I’m still waiting for my refund to be approved. I haven’t received anything yet int he mail that says I’m being audited, but I’m worried because I have a fairly large return with two dependents. My boyfriend had one dependent though and didn’t seem to have any issue. 🙁 This slow process just bites. Reply
Have you recieved yours yet? My bf filed his jan 27 and still hasn’t recieved his he also claimed 2 dependents.Yesterday he recieved his state but still no federal Reply
I filed on 1/28/15 and was accepted the next day. After checking the where’s my refund site, i found that the colored bars disappeared around 2/9/15. I waited until this morning to call (26 days) and the person I spoke with told me it was pulled for “fraud prevention”. I had to pull out my return and answer some questions to verify my identity. She then stated it will be finished “by hand” by the IRS, and I should receive my refund in 6-8 weeks from the date it was pulled (2/9/15). Worst case scenario the refund will be sent April 6th. Glad I called, they said they would have “probably gotten around to sending a letter” but really they rely on the taxpayer to call when it has been more than 21 days. I was reading all of these blogs afraid I was being audited, when all I needed to do was call. By the way, it is hard to get in touch with them. So, do what I did: Call 1-800-829-1040, then press the following commands: 1, 2, 2, 4,1. You will be transferred to someone who will ask what you need, state individual refund status. They will then transfer you again, and finally someone who can tell you what the f*&% is going on will pick up!!! I was on hold for the first person about 5 mins, and the second about 15 mins. Total time on my phone was under 30 mins! Good luck!
Hi Tonya, Hope you guys got something by now. Just wanted to update you that I got a partial amount back the other night. I was informed via wmr that the IRS would be sending me a letter requesting more information. This is my first year claiming my dependents, so it’s going to be a grand time gathering up the proof I need for the IRS to be satisfied.
When I checked the wmr site a few days ago it let me know they were sending a letter requesting additional information, probably proof for my dependents since this is the first year I’ve claimed them. Yesterday a partial amount of my tax return was transferred to my bank. I assume I’ll get the rest whenever I’m able to provide the IRS with whatever information they want. Which from what I heard is usually beyond ridiculous as far as dependents go.
I filed my taxes 1/24/15, almost 28 days later and nothing. I check “Where’s my refund” and it just says that it is still processing and I will be notified of a refund date. I’m so frustrated, I can not get a hold of a live person.. Turbo tax said 21 days, I guess I shouldn’t have believed that. Anyone else with this problem? Reply
Same here Laura I filed the 4th was accepted the 5th but still have not been approved. I haven’t recieved anything in the mail saying there’s a problem but I have never waited this long for a refund, I’m worried and frustrated… The 25th will be my 21st day. Reply
It could be you’re being audit. I would try to contact the irs or maybe go too the local office. Reply
I was accepted & approved…then delayed…i have not received anything yet…i called irs they said keep checking & i have not received a letter yet
Same thing mines said I spoke with the irs representative she said the irs has eight weeks to process tax returns. Reply
Ok for all u …….i filed 2/2/15 it was received on 2/3 15 …..21 days passed called in and said i had to wait 6to 8 weeks…. Well when that was up i called in again and was told they sent a referral in fo get appoved which was on 4/13/15 then 2 days later my status changed to just return being processed..on 4/15/15 am now i am pleased to say my return is finally on way as status changed to be depsoiteed 4/18//15 so will depsoit on 4/22/15 the wait is over good luck all
I’m having the same exact problem! Accepted on the 5th now bars are gone and it says the will notify me… 21 days today and sat on the phone as long as I could which was over 44 mins without speaking to anyone! My State tax number just says “due to extremely high call volume we can not answer your call now, call back” Has anyone on the blog received their return yet? Can you please update the rest of us. Thank you Reply
I filed my taxes on the jam 21st they received them the same day 29 days later still not approved is there a direct number to call the irs to find out what’s going on? Reply
I just talk to the IRS and was told someone try to put in for a tax refund last year in my name and now they are reviewing mine this year to make sure I am the right person so I can take as long as April 6th to get my return. Did turbo tax get hit and lose your information and no one told us because I have been filing with them since 2012 and not this happen and no one said anything. I am very upset Reply
Hi Stephanie, TurboTax has not had any breaches in their system. Identity theft generally happens outside of the tax filing process when people get your social security number and other information from a stolen wallet or other methods. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
My husband and I filed jointly with out bby as a dependent an we filed on the 12th an I check the status on an it says Received my husband claimed us Last year an we got our refund back in a week. So im wondering how long would it take this time .my baby an I have insurance but my husband dont. Reply
The IRS deposited the money to my account on 2/12/15 but I still don’t see it midnight 2/16/15?? Reply
they may have taken it thats what happened last year. I said then why state that it was deposited Reply
I efiled my taxes on January 12th and was accepted the next day. Well I got a letter 4464C in the mail stating I was under review. I looked at my transcript online and showed code 570. Anyone have this problem? I am a single mom and could really use that refund quick. Reply
How long will my taxes take? I filed on the 31st and the where’s my refund site still hasn’t approved yet? Why are they taking so long this year?? Reply
I filed my sisters and my taxes on the 3rd I had both going to my account because she didn’t have an account at the time I received mine this morning but hers couldn’t get accepted at my bank because unknowingly, they don’t accept third party checks so it has to be sent back to be he irs. My question is how long will it take for them to cut her check once it is received from the bank now. Reply
Hi, The IRS will first have to research why the check was sent back to them. I would start by calling the IRS to find out how long and the status. Here is more information Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
We filed and were accepted on 1/31/15 still no update on wmr. We did owe back taxes but are still expecting a refund. All the charts say the deposit should occur tomorrow. Any ideas on when to expect our refund? Reply
Also I can not get my transcripts for 2014 yet but it has a date of Feb 23, 2015 in one of the sections. Reply
Hi, If you owe back taxes your refund can take longer than the average time. The IRS will use your tax refund to cover back taxes first and then issue whatever is left. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Reply
Will it take longer for info to show on wmr cause i filed on feb 3 but still no info on the website and i owed 200 dollars but im still expecting a refund
I efiled my taxes on 1/26 got accepted the same day just got my refund approved status today so like everyone else I was worried but they have millions of tax returns to process so give it some time you will get your refund approved got a deposit date of 2/18.. Reply
I filed my taxes on January 26, the turbotax website says my taxes was accepted but the irs website says still processing. I still haven’t received my refund what could this mean. Reply
I filed my simple return ( one w2, claimed 2 kids) on January 16th. It was accepted on January 20th. After a few days the staus bar on WMR dissapeared. It still has not come back and still getting the message ” your tax return is still processing”. Tomorrow will be day 21 since my taxes were accepted. I’ve never had this problem and usually have my refund withen a week. It’s very frustrating. Anyone having the same issue? Any advice? Reply
I filed on Feb. 4th and it was immediately accepted. Today I checked the IRS Where’s My Refund Site and it states my refund will be deposited into my account by February 12th. Also, I filed my fiances through Turbotax on January 26th, and he received his refund deposit on February 3rd. Reply
jessy. did yall have unsurance all year. i filed mine through turbotax on feb. 3, accepted the same day and i still have one bar and no date Reply
Around what time was it deposited? Mines was suppose to be deposited today and I checked at 12 and it wasn’t in my account Reply
The IRS had accepted our return on Jan 28, and we are still waiting. I claimed a educational credit for college and I had seen that it was a pattern with some people who had claimed them not getting their refunds in a timely manner. Our insurance also gets taken out of my huband’s check. When I was looking into stuff yesterday I found a chart for people who e-filed that if your return was accepted by the IRS by 11am between Jan 20-Jan30 than a direct deposit would be sent on FEB.11. Reply
I filed mines on January 29 and I was approved for processing the same day. Then I checked my status yesterday and my refund was approved and should be in my account February 11
I talk to the irs today on 19 of February that was my 21 day mark but got some bad new that they but a hold on my income tax return for 45 to 60 day because they need to review it some more they didn’t tell me what they were looking for.
where did you find that chart? I filed and was accepted on the 23 of January and still shows that it is being processed. This is the longest I have waited. I have family that filed after me and already have their returns back. I had a HSA and a FSA account for medical could this slow it down? Reply
I filed my taxes on the 16th of January and was immediately accepted. I received my state return very promptly but I am still waiting on my federal. I have checked the IRS website everyday and it still says that it is being processed. My sister filed her taxes last Saturday and her federal return was direct deposited yesterday. The only thing that I can assume is holding things up is that I had to take the penalty for not having insurance for my husband and myself, but my daughter is insured. It is becoming frustrating. Reply
Kathryn I feel your pain, I filed on the 31st and I have received my state and not my federal. My friend filed on the 27th or 28th and she got her taxed back this week (Feb 2nd) Reply
I don’t believe the penalty for no insurance should make a difference, even though I am seeing that is a similiar pattern in alot of people who haven’t gotten theirs! But I filed 1/22, had insurance all year taken out of my paycheck, and still haven’t received mine! Reply
I was accepted on the 22nd, just found out this morning 7th I was approved, should be here by the 11th, so I understand Reply
Mine were received on Jan 23, 2015 & I have been checking the status every day on the Irs website, but the status has not changed, why is it taking so long? What if it goes past 21 days? If something was wrong, will they notify me? Reply
they suppose to send a letter you haven’ gotten one go to your nearst irs office, underneath that bar on bottom there is or may show word topic with 3 numbers and you can look it up what it means right there Reply
last year mine set like that and come to find out i was being audited when it takes along time past 2wks you are being audited Reply
I am in the same boat. Everyone in my family got their refund already and mine is still showing accepted. I can’t find out from anyone at all (including turbo tax) what is taking so long. So, I am just counting on not getting my refund, but I sure wish I could find out why. Reply
I,too,am in the same boat.I went to the same tax preparer that I’ve went to for the last 15+yrs. and they did my taxes and an efile,that was Jan.20 and on the 22nd. they were processing and have been every since and I have friends that filed later and already have their money,so I too,have been assuming the worst.Only thing different with me is the penalty for no health insurance. Reply
I filed on the 20th and it was accepted the same day. WMR has only said processing since day 1. What is the deal? Reply
I filed 1/20 and got accepted 1/20 now I have no bars and its saying return still being processed and a refund date will provided when available has anyone else got this and what does it means? Reply
My bars have gone away completely. It went from one bar with topic 152 and the bottom to nothing now. That could this mean? I filed the 28th. Kinda worried,
I have and I am really getting upset! I filed 2-1-15 and i know ppl that filed the same day and got theirs back already and mine says the same thing as yours! I can ‘t understand y they are allowed to hold our money up cause we can’t do this to them! ugh Reply
I got accepted on 01/13/2015 had one bar until sunday and it says processing, I tried to call IRS and the woman said dont call back till it has been 21 days after the 20th. is anyone else having the same problem? Reply
I am. And the number i call is just automated. Cant talk to live person. What nimber did u call? Reply
I e-filed with turbotax on 2/13/15 and I still haven’t gotten anything besides my state which came 3 days later DD. turbotax says accepted but the IRS wheres my refund says still being processed. freaking out College student. I never had a bar or anything Reply
I filed my taxes Jan 22, 2015 and the wmr status has been in the accepted status since day 1 and has not changed still today. Does anyone have any idea why it has been 12 days with no changes. Reply
i filed and sent mine in on the 15th I got accepted on the 20th and only have been accepted thats all no ddd or approval yet . my family have already received their returns and they did it the 25th. can someone please tell me whats going on Reply
I filed on 1/13/15, it showed that the IRS had accepted it 2 days later but it has not moved yet. As of 2/2/15, it still says it’s being processed Reply
I filed on 01/12/15 and mine still says being processed on wmr but today when I checked my transcripts it has code 846 refund issued with a date of 02/23/15. so check your transcripts Reply
Question for those that have gotten their refund or knows someone that has gotten their refund. The date that is given is that the date it’s in your account of just the date it has been sent to your account? Thank you Reply
on the irs website my refund WAS supposed to depoist Jan 30 2015, it’s Feb 1 and still no sign. I don’t understand when it says it was depoisted in my bank. Very aggervated Reply
you shouldcall 800-304-3107 and make sure you dont hava a offset. That happend to me before and I owed student loans so even though it said it was deposited it never went into my bank. Not trying to scare you but just check to be sure. Hope this helps. Reply
Your tax refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank by February 2, 2015. I just called my bank and there’s no direct deposit pending 🙁 Reply
I checked the sbbt and they have no records found for me. I was accepted on 1/20 and still waiting my friend filed 1/21 and received her money on the 30th !!!! I did have a no insurance penalty. Does that mean anything Reply
Finally got a DD of feb 4. I called the IRS it seems alot of early filers were not approved or even looked at till after those who filed on the 20th. Im not sure whether to believe the woman from the IRS but its what happend to me. I filed on the 12th and got accepted the same day. didnt get approved till the 31st. Good luck to everyone!!! Reply
I filed on 1/24/15 around 9am got accepted an hr later received my approval 1/31/2015 & date of deposit 2/4/2015 Reply
My return was filed on the 14th and accepted on the 20th and still has no status of update of being approved or anything. Called the IRS and was told I have to wait 3 wks. This is frustrating!! Reply
For people thats wondering why others are getting approved after you its because your probably a weekly account. Weekly accounts are ones that only get a update once a wk if its been more then 4 to 5 days odds are your a weekly now daily accounts are ones that get updates daily and DDD the following week. Hope this answer everyone question Reply
If its been more then 4 or 5 days since you got accepted then most likely your a weekly. Weekly accounts only update on fridays i will post a link with more info about it
Ok guys, I’m gonna try to explain the daily verses weekly cycle to the best of my ability.All of this comes directly from the IRS manual. Daily accounts post within 4 days, weekly accounts post within 7. Most taxpayers will fall into the daily “accelerated” processing. If you are in a weekly account…your refund will “post” within a week of being accepted and your DDD will be scheduled for the following Thursday. Account conditions that prevent accounts from being marked daily are conditions such as (list is not all inclusive): 1. ITIN Accounts 2. Foreign Addresses 3. Campus Addresses 4. Identity Theft Indicators 5. Prisoner File 6. Related MFT 31 Account (e.g., Bankruptcy, Offer-In-Compromise, Installment Agreements, Innocent Spouse) 7. Criminal Investigation Activity 8. Civil Penalty Account (MFT 55) 9. Tax Module History (two years prior) with CI, Exam or Collection Activity
I filed on the 23rd approved same day. I tried checking today an it won’t let me. Anyone else having this issue? Reply
I filed on the 23 and was accepted less than a hour later, but there have not been any updates on mine to say if it is approved yet. My friend filed at the same time and already shows approved and a DD date is set as of Saturday. Reply
I got the same problem, I filed on the 23 its was accepted 30 minutes later, And today is the 3rd a d still no updates..,
Hi Melissa, I filed on the 24th, and was accepted less than an hour later, and don’t even have a timeline on my account. It still says it is processing. Reply
Was accepted on the 26th and i checked my refund status on wmr and enter my info then it says the info dont match the records to re enter?!?what can that mean ? I checked it early in the week had tax topic 152. And one bar. And now nothing ! Reply
I filed using turbo tax efile direct deposit to my netspend card on the 27th,it was accepted that day. Netspend sent me a message notifing me that there was a direct deposit made from the IRS on the 30th..I was . Shocked.. I have never heard of anyone getting their refund that quickly…mind you I am not complaining but just the opposite…I checked the “wheres my refund” and it only showed one bar(been accepted) and that was all..I checked my netspend account and it was true. My refund had been deposited…. Reply