Tax Refunds Where’s My Tax Refund? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Jan 31, 2014 - [Updated Sep 7, 2017] 3 min read The IRS officially opened for the 2014 tax season today and a common question asked around this time is “Where’s My Refund?” Many taxpayers also have questions about how the process of getting tax refunds and refund timing works. We know you work hard for your money and wanted to answer some of the most common questions we see about the issuance of tax refunds. Here is a breakdown of how your tax return will progress through 3 stages with the IRS -“Return Received”, “Return Approved”, and “Refund Sent” once you e-file and where you can go to check your refund status so you understand “Where’s My Refund?”: Refund Process Start checking status 24 – 48 hours after e-file – Once you e-file with direct deposit, you can start checking the status of your return 24 – 48 hours after you e-file on the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. Return Received Notice within 24 – 48 hours after e-file – The IRS Where’s My Refund tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return. You will not see a refund date until the IRS finishes processing your tax return and approves your tax refund. Status change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved” – Once the IRS finishes processing your tax return and confirms your tax refund is approved, your status will change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved”. Sometimes the change in status can take a few days, but it could take longer and a date will not be provided in Where’s My Refund? until your tax return is processed and your tax refund is approved. Where’s My Refund? tool shows refund date – The IRS will provide an actual refund date once your status moves to “Refund Approved”. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in 21 days or less. Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent” – You’re now closer to your biggest tax refund! If the status in Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent”, the IRS has sent your tax refund to your financial institution for direct deposit. It can take 1 to 5 days for your financial institution to deposit funds into your account. If you requested that your tax refund be mailed, it could take several weeks for your check to arrive. Here are more answers to your common questions about your tax refund: Will I see a date right away when I check status in “Where’s My Refund”? Where’s My Refund will not give you a date until your tax return is received, processed, and your tax refund is approved by the IRS It’s been longer than 21 days since the IRS has received my tax return and I have not received my tax refund. What’s happening? Some tax returns take longer than others to process depending on your tax situation. Some of the reasons it may take longer are incomplete information, an error, or the IRS needs to review it further. What other sources can I use to check my refund status? Once you have e-filed your tax return with TurboTax, you can check your status using MyTurboTax. You can even check your status on the go from your mobile device using TurboTax free app MyTaxRefund. If you haven’t e-filed your taxes yet, you can start today. You may even be able to e-file your federal tax return for free and have your biggest tax refund in your pocket within 21 days. Previous Post 5 Common Tax Forms You Should Expect in the Mail Next Post EITC Awareness Day: Common Questions About Earned Income Tax Credit… Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 3,444 responses to “Where’s My Tax Refund?” « Older Comments Newer Comments » I filed on 01/27 and accepted the same day. I think it will take 5-7 days to get it approved. So I will check on Feb 1st and let you guys know. Thnx Reply Mine got approved on Feb 1st.. It says check bank account on 02/04 for dd.. Reply My friend did her taxes on 1/26 was received the same day, 2 days later it was approved with a dd of 2/03 she used taxslayer. I did my taxes on 1/28 using the free version of turbotax, TT said it was received within a couple hours but the WMR status keeps showing me last years information. My boyfriend did his taxes this morning on TT and paid for the deluxe version bc he had so many forms to file, it was accepted in less than an hour and the WMR tool already updated and says it was received. I called the irs, was on hold for 2 hours before I finally hung up. No idea what’s going on. Apparently the free version on TT is being janky. Reply Has anyone received their tax refund that had marketplace insurance in 2014?? Reply Refund got accepted on 1/20/15 today is 1/30/15 still no status update Reply hey i filed on 01/22/15 and i finally got approved on the 30th with a dd of 02/04/15 Reply I was accepted on 1/22/15 and it was received by the irs but it hasn’t been approved yet and my friend filed after me and already has a ddd of 2/1/15 and im still waiting to be approved….has anyone else been approved that filed on 1/22/15? Reply Nope, I was accepted on the 22 and I’m still waiting Reply I was excepted on the 20th and it still just says its been received. my taxes were accepted on 1/23/2015, but the status has not changed. i have already received my state refund this week. What would cause it to delay at this point? Reply I filed and was accepted on the same date 01/23 but still under received status; it has not moved; I have back taxes due to IRS which I have been paying monthly but could the debt create a delay on my refund this year. Reply I see a lot of people are having the same problem as me. I had efiled my taxes on 1/15/15 and then received an email saying it was accepted 1/16/15. It is now 1/30/15 and the WMR app still says processing. Meanwhile my girlfriend filed her taxes the same day and she received her dirext deposit today. There’s not really much we can do but play the wait game. Of course your nerves go crazy because now you’re wondering if you made a mistake and wondering about every bad situation probable. Just hang tight like me and hopefully they’ll be approved soon. Reply Did you finally get your refund? Did it take longer than the 21 days? Reply I’m still waiting on mine it was accepted on 1/ 15. I got a letter that I needed to file the forms for Obama care. I faxed those in and it has been 2 more weeks and it is still just processing. But the letter said could be another 6-8 weeks I filed on the 20th and it was accepted on the 21st and has just sat there since then and has not moved to approved. It is so frustrating checking every day and no progress. Mine was a simple return, 1 child and just wages – no credits, no property, no nothing so you would like it would just fly right on through. Reply my transcript says tax refund issued on February 16, 2015…? what does this mean ? I was accepted on 1/12/2015 and still no ddd…. Reply It means your refund date is set to be dd on 2/16 Reply Pennie, Mine is the same way. All zeros but has by February 16, 2015. No bars on WMR since around the 16th and amount had disappeared but amount came back this past Sunday. Have you seen any changes or updates since you posted this? I’m an 05er so I’m not expecting any updates until Friday, but this is beyond frustrating. I have officially been hung-up on 3 times today by the IRS when I ask them to check to see if there is an issue. Reply I filed on the 22nd and still not approved, anyone else? Reply me too and its pissing me off Reply I think it’s crazy. I filed on the 20th of January, accepted the same day, and now it’s processing. Today makes 10 days. What’s going on? Are they taking the entire 21 days? Have anyone gotten a refund? Does anyone know how often the IRS system updates? My sister filed after I did and she received her funds today. How is that possible? Reply I was accepted on Jan 12th and Im still waiting… so annoyed. No bars and a processing date of 3-2-2015 on my transcript but no DDD Reply Sounds the same as me, except I received the 4464C letter yesterday saying I was being reviewed! My taxes haven’t changed in years! Last year it took me almost 12 weeks for mine but this year I had a PIN number I filed the first week of feb and got my taxes back February 10th. Also it depends on what tax service especially in Maryland lately as I have read in the news. But they are really cracking down on fraud and have been reviewing almost everyone’s taxes Sent from my iPhone > My return was accepted on 1/13. I checked WMR and it is now 01/30 and WMR still says processing….Ahhhh, this is so frustrating. I filed with tax act. Is anyone else waiting? Reply I am I filed the 20th and used tax act also Reply I filed mines on the 23rd of Jan.. When I go check my status on IRS.GOV..It doesnt even give me the bars. I just gives me a message your tax return is still being processed.. A refund date will be provided when avail.. Reply I filed 1/26/2015 with tax experts accepted 1/27. Approved 1/30 ddd of 02/03 Reply someone please help! I filed with TT on the 18th and was excepted on the 20th WMR doesn’t show a return was filed and I know the information I am putting in is correct! Reply sbbt received and took there money and says my refund was sent to my debit card this am, hasnt shown yet, do u think it will be there by tomorrow am? Reply I filed 1/20 approved 1/20 as well at just sitting stuck on accepted and NOT approved ugh! Why does the IRS not like go on order, I see a lot of us filed 1/20 and do not have a DDD but some from 1/24 do what the heck! Reply Is there a difference in how refunds are being handled or pushed through when you use the totally free version….I have been a turbo tax user for yrs and always had my refunds in usually a week …I now have easier taxes and used the free version and now its been 8 days and just accepted …not even approved yet …….. my daughter still used a more expensive version for more complicated taxes and will have her refund deposited in just a week. Reply I used the completely free one and I got my federal refund on the 27th. Reply I used free version filed 17th got accepted 20th still nothing since then. Friend used paid version filed 19th and got money on 30th. Seems pretty fishy to me Reply I don’t believe that makes a difference. I paid for the version I used. It says mine was received by the IRS on 1/22. Today is officially early hours of 2/2 and mine just still says it is processing. Very frustrating considering most people I know that filed the same time as me already have their money back! Reply Can someone please let me know the average turn around time to go from accepted to approved? Above it says a few days but that is very vague. I am just trying to get a better idea. Reply I filed and was accepted 1/21. I was approved 1/26 and got a dd of 1/30. I’m having the fees taken out of my refund so it goes to SBBT first. I checked that bank this morning and they had my refund and says it will be released to me tomorrow Reply Ok so i filed and was accepted on the 21st just like you selena but its the 29th and i still have not been approved or got a ddd yet. As well my fees are being taken out of my refund to like you. What is SBBT anyways? I just want my refund approved and to know when ill be getting my money deposited in my bank account No way Did you have marketplace insurance? I filed 1/21 was accepted the same day and approved 1/26 with DD 1/30. The more information that they must verify the longer it takes to get approved. My mom has filed the exact same way every year for 10 plus years so she was accepted and approved faster than me because I got married so I had a name change and a new dependent. Reply My sister received hers this afternoon. Her WMR still showed being processed and no bar.j. Reply I hope you find the answer because I’ve been wondering and trying to figure out the same thing. Mine was accepted on the 20th and here its been 11 days and still haven’t got approved. But a friend of mine got accepted a few days after me and she got approved today I just don’t understand it. Reply I had filed on 1/17 accepted 1/21 got a ddd on 1/31 of 2/4. I will say it took me 11 days but last year it also took 11days. Filed/accepted 2/19/14 approved 3/1/14 for 3/5/14 and mines always on Wednesday. I have read on igotmyrefund that depending if your a weekly or daily account that will make up for how long it takes. Weekly gets an update once a week I believe on fridays and daily is pretty self explanatory so thats why some people take couple of days and others longer I filed on the 20th as well how is it people who file days after me are getting theirs already and mine is still processing this is BS Reply I was accepted on the 21 and still not approved but my sister was accepted on the 20 n hers was deposited today and dey have a hold saying they need to verifybut y is mines still stuck on the first bar what ttime do they update Reply The same with me I filed the 19th and accepted on the 20th and it’s still saying processing my mother and cousin filed after me and they received there refund on the 30th Reply I was accepted on 1/12/15 and I still don’t have a DDD. All it says is that it is processing and a refund date will be given when it becomes available. I have been using TT since 2008, this is the 1st year I have had any issues. My transcripts say N/A….. anyone else have the same message? Reply I’m in the same boat as your Nicole, accepted on same day but hasnt changed on WMR and I just checked and no transcripts. Has me a little worried Reply yes same boat Reply I am in the exact same position. Mine was accepted on the 12th and still says processing. I’m freaking out a bit. Reply I filed mine on the same day and it saying the same as you and ive used tt since 2007 Reply Mine said n/a but I didn’t understand what or why it said that Reply Same acceptance date, and all I am seeing on Where’s my Refund is still being processed. No dd or three step bar and code 152. So in the same boat. I am freaking out Reply Yes mine is exactly the same and I have been using since 2008. Next year I will not be filing early.I will actually wait a couple of days because this is just ridiculous… hi mine was accepted on the 22nd and is still in process as of this morning. i did my daughters on the 24th and as of this morning her’s has been approved with a date of Feb 2nd anyone else had this problem. her state has been processed and approved as well and mine is still in processing Reply Update mine has been processed with a date of by the 4th. So the turn around time is about 8 days or less. Reply hey have you gotten your taxes yet? Reply I filed the 20th and I still haven’t been approved,only accepted! Anyone else? Reply I filed on the 18th and was accepted on 20th not approved yet. I’m afraid because last year they made file my 2011 taxes the old school way. I didn’t receive my direct deposit till May 6th, 2014. So I’m in panic mode. Reply Same here. I filed on 1/20 and was accepted just minutes later. But still has not been approved. I have never had this happen in the past. Idk if it is because I use the free turbo tax where everything was absolutely free. I usually use the one where I have to pay like $30. Idk if that has anything to do with it. This is crazy. Reply Hi i filed mine on Jan 21 and it says Accepted also. I dont understand cause people are getting theres with days Reply I filed mine and was accepted on the 22nd, and I haven’t received my refund yet either. I have a topic 152 error. Did you all have marketplace insurance? I filed by Turbo Tax on the 21st and was accepted that same day, the WMR still states that I am in Accept status. I havent even moved to the Processing status and my due date per Turbo Tax id the 2/11/2015, and of course the 21 day wait per IRS is 2/20. But if I go by the refund schedule for 2015, it states that all that were accepted from 1/20-1/30 will rcv it by 2/5/2015. THAT IS A LIE! I havent even been processed in or to get it here in the next 4 days. What is going on. Im getting worried. And plus I tried calling and of course NO LIVE AGENT! Still waiting also. My state return was sent to my direct deposit on the 27th and I haven’t received it yet. My federal says its still processing. I filed using Turbo Tax on the 22nd. Reply Same here! Filed first thing on the 20th and, as of right now, minehave been accepted but not approved. WWe’ve never waited this long to be approved and get a deposit date. Reply I filed on the 23rd and was accepted the same day. It still says processing as of this morning. No update Reply Yes. Me. Do u have marketplace insurance. I have marketplace insurance and I know people that have filed after me and already have their money Reply I think you are right Tina! It seems like every person I know who has marketplace insurance has not gotten a DDD yet and WMR still says it is processing. I filed on the 20th and it said accepted but now the bars are gone with a message that says it is processing and I will receive a date. I tried to check a little while ago and it says that the site is down? Reply Yes I have the same problem..Turbo tax gives a expect DDD but the IRS has not Reply Me too. Reply I filed my taxes on the 16th and it got accepted on the 20th but still haven’t not been approved. Is anyone’s else going through the same thing? My wmr just says recieved. Don’t know if I should be worried or not… Reply I am in the position … I filed on the 16th and didn’t get accepted until the 20th but still have not been approved… I have never had an issues with my taxes until now… some please give us answers or at least educate on what to wait on … Reply I filed on the 18th and was accepted on 20th not approved yet. I’m afraid because last year they made file my 2011 taxes the old school way. I didn’t receive my direct deposit till May 6th, 2014. So I’m in panic mode. Reply same exact situation for me. I’m worried but not sure if I should be. Reply I have filed early and my refund was accepted on the 12th (like many others) but there is no status bar and it states it is still processing. Someone I know filed 2 weeks after me and already got a refund. This is the longest I have ever waited and without a true update on the status. Also, turbotax states 0% received their money so far and that is clearly incorrect! Reply I am having the very same problem Fran. It doesn’t help to call. I called and they told me that the IRS didn’t start accepting returns until the 20th, which is untrue because my return was accepted on 01/13. And that we have to wait 21 days before we get any info. This happened to me in 2013. And I didn’t receive my return until January 2014. So I hope this isn’t a repeat. Reply I filed early as well and was accepted on the 12th too. I also have no status other than being accepted on the 12th. I called this morning and spoke to a very rude woman who said to give it 3 weeks for an update!!! Ive never waited this long. Reply Same boat!!! Reply Mine was done the 20th but still has not been accepted by the IRS! Anyone else getting this delay also? Reply Filed 19th accepted 20th still no update since then Reply I did mine also the 20th did my son’s the 27th he has his money I’m on first bar still any update on yours Reply I filed on the 27th and still have not be accepted. Wish i knew what was going on. Irs told me to refile and did and was rejected because of duplicate ssns. Turbotax says its because my taxes are at the irs agencies just not accepted or rejected yet. Makes me nervous that i did something wrong. Did my kids next day and theres was approved within 30 minutes. Reply Yes, I filed on the 20th and has not been accepted. My tax preparer says it was not rejected but it does not show on the website as received??? What is going on?? Reply I filed on the 27th and still have nit been accepted by the irs. Wish i knew what to do. im getting nervous that i did something wrong. Reply I filed on 1/20 accepted same day. WMR has just said it was being processed and on one bar. This morning bars are gone and no DDD. Transcript doesnt have any crazy codes. Does this mean I will have a date soon? I know I have a offset from last year but they told me it wouldn’t delay my refund this year. Reply Filed 1/19 accepted 1/20. I’m in Florida and status still hasn’t updated to approved yet. Reply Anyone file earlier than the 20th and get a DD? Reply I am in same boat stuck on processing since Jan 16 never had this issue before on That lived used that for 9 yrs Reply i filed on the 12th and got accepted i didnt get approved until the 31st. with an dd of feb 4th Reply I was accepted on the 20th approved the 28th I called the DOR and they said its still processing? which system do I go by? they gave me a disposit date of the 30 and credited to my account by the 4th. im confused whats goin ? am I getting my refund or not? Reply You go by the date the IRS gives you. They are telling you that the money will be sent to your account by the 30th but if you haven’t received it by the 4th then contact your bank to see why. Reply I filed mine the same day and still it’s processing I feel you on that Reply Filed on 1/20/15 was accepted on 1/28/15! Should be there by 1/30/15. Reply Me too! Filed 1/21 Reply Did it come today Reply I filed mine on 01/22/15 in I jus checked my refund it says approved with a date finally…. I hope that this was helpful good luck everyone Reply I did mines on 1/22/15 and got accepted but not approved yet….your lucky! Reply My friends say accepted will be sent by jan 30 however mine hasn’t moved we filed same time any idea why or maybe it just didn’t update Reply Have you gotten accepted yet? Reply My refund was accepted on January 20 and wmr still has not approved my return. Has anyone rcvd a update on their refund? Things seem to have moved along faster last year. Reply I’m still waiting on mine too Toya. I filed and was accepted on 1/20/2015 and still pending on WMR. My co-worker filed on 1/20/2015 and has been approved as of this morning with a date for Feb. 6th. Hopefully we’ll have good news later tonight or in the morning… Reply Hopefully everyone should be approved soon. I filed 1/21 and have dd of 1/30. Just popped up this morning so I anticipate everyone that filed that week should be getting approved soon Did you get approved? Have you gotten approved yet? Same here. I’m still waiting on it and I’m wondering if they’re going by last name in alphabetical order Reply Mine was accepted early on the 12th and it still says processing:( Reply Mine is that way also I belive the people that sent theirs in early are being pushed away. The IRS has obviously done something to those early filers because everyone I see that sent theirs on the 12th are not being approved at all Joshua I’m having the same problem I was accepted 01/12/2015. WMR only show still processing with no dad. I don’t understand I know people that filed 01/25/2015 and received their refund in a few days I’m confused. I feel you. I noticed everyone that filed and was accepted on 12th has same status message still processing ..wonder if our date was the lucky pick to audit I’m with you, too, Toya… received on 1/20, still waiting for it to be “accepted.” Reply I filed the same day as you yesterday I have a date of February 4th.. Reply Same problem.. File on 1/20 accept on 1/21 wmr still say’s accpetd no charge no DDD why?? Reply I filed my taxes on Jan 20th, accepted the same day & from WMR I will be getting a deposit on Jan 30th:) Reply My status still says processing on the web site but my bank account shows my refund is being sent Friday Reply How does your account see that? I hope I can see it on mine because most people have filed way after and have a date. I have nothing! Reply I e filed January 13 and its still saying recieved but not approved. I was hoping to have the money by the 1st.y state refund is already deposited in my account. Has anyone been approved yet????? Reply My refund was sone 1/15/2015, accepted 1/16/2015 and no ddd anyone know why this is? My brother did his after me and his is approved and he is getting refund tomorrow! Reply I have never had a pin so do I this year I filed with out one Reply i filed my taxes on 1/21 and they were acdepted on the same day. everytime i check wmr it still says accepted. after 6 days it still hasnt changed. im hoping it will be here soon. Reply Mine also was accepted the same day. Hopefully we’ll be able to view our transcripits within the next 48 hours Reply Yah i did mine the same day the 21st and got accepted by the irs and says its been recieved and there processing my tax return i hope sometime this week they update it to approved and give me a date for my DD Reply I filed the same day and today on 1/28 it now says approved and I’m sure to recieve it on 2/4 Reply Hi, I got a fyd for the 4th and I was wondering did I get ur refund yet? Or are u still waiting? That was suppose to say ddd… lol Have you got your ddd yet? Reply Not yet still waiting it frustrating I just filed Jan 22nd, still waiting to be approved. It seems like last year it went faster? Reply Last year it did go a lot faster but since they have all of the new audits in place they are trying to make sure everything goes smoothly Reply I filed early. Turbotax said i was accepted on the 12th. but the WMR on the IRS web page still says refund being processed. Does this mean i wasnt accepted by the IRS? Reply Seems all early filers are in same boat Reply Has anyone had there refund approved yet? How long does it take Reply Mine was accepted on the 12th an approved on the 28th so I hope I gets sent soon Reply Mine was accepted on the 20th and approved yesterday and it also shows that the money will be sent to my account on Friday. Hope this helps Reply I filled on the 24th and mine was approved today and they said I will have it by febuary 2nd hope this helps Reply I live in Md and I filed on 01/19/15, was accepted on 01/20/2015 and its now 01/24/2015 and I still have one bar and the topic 152 when I check wmr. I hear many stories about the irs big update tonight/Sunday morning and we should get our DDD dates …is this true? I heard so many rumors of what’s going to happen my head is spinning. Only known fact is that no one has received a DDD date as of yet or a fed refund. Reply I will say its true only speaking from last year experience. I had filed 2/19/14 approved 3/1/14 wasnt able to view transcripits that previous date and with 3/1/14 had being a weekend I will say more then likely they’ll be approving on weekends this year Reply Check it this morning… The site has been updated since yesterday Reply I filed on the 22nd and my state return was acepted according to turbotax but when I look it up on my md website it says it has not been processed Reply I checked my transcripts this morning it said N/A I checked this afternoon it has 2014 up there but nothing happens when I click on it what does that mean please help Reply I wanted to write an update to my previous comment. I checked the IRS website and mine was approved and it shows that it will be sent to my account on Friday. It looks like it took 8 days to get approved. Reply if any one want to speak with a live rep call 1800 829 1040 put in the numbers 12142 and it will ask for your social and date of birth and transfer you to a live person Reply and i also applied through turbo tax and was accepted the same day Reply I filed on the 14th and my refund still says pending. Anyone else having this issue? Reply I filed the 20th and mine still hasn’t been approved Reply I was accepted on 12th and it still says “Your return is being processed” with no update for the last 2 weeks. Reply I filed on 1/20/15 was accepted the same day , wondering when I will be approved and will receive a direct deposit date. Reply I was also approved on the 20th but I too have not received an update as to when I would receive my refund. It seems like it’s taking a little longer than last year. I figured since they opened it up early that they would start processing faster. Guess not. Reply IM STILL WAITING FOR MINE TO BE APROVED I WAS ACCEPTED ON 01/17/15 ANYBODY STILL WAITING? Reply mine was accepted on the 12th. Still says being processed. Yes I am still waiting accepted 1/16/2015 and still approved Hi Benita, Just wondering if yours was approved yet? Thanks!! Reply I still have not been approved yet is it normal? Have you been approved yet? Reply I was kind of worried thinking I was the only one that hasn’t been approved but it looks like they have not approved anyone. I’ve been patiently waiting but nothing. hi i filed my tax return on 1/13 with turbotax free, but closer to the end it never asked me for a irs pin to efile it. i put my bank account info and it said that it has been efiled. my status now shows pending, i called turbotax and no one seemed to know why it didnt ask me for that info. the rep i spoke to told me his superviser informed him that im the first person that this has ever happened to , i find this hard to believe. my question is this, what to expect now? dont i have to have a irs pin? Reply Yes my pin is the last five numbers of my socials..It is how they identify who you say you are… Reply Anything yet? Don’t file furniture whatever you do. Last year I was pulled for a tax audit, the IRS never even did the audit. The IRS is holding people money. Thus lady was pulled for audit for 2012 and 2013 because the pull you for an audit 2 years in a row, She got get 2012 tax return in the summer of 2014 and hadn’t gotten get 2013 return yet. Reply Did you get code 570 for the audit ,I have a code 570 my refund is frozen. My pin was never asked for as well… Reply If you’ve filed using turbo tax before the pin is stored for following years. I put my pin in 2009 and haven’t had to again. Try your zip code. As I submitted my return, I noticed a spot that showed my pin was my zip code. I never entered it in though, it just created it for me. if you don’t have a i.r.s.pen you could have use your gross wages from your last year taxes which is your gross wages what you made last year.That is what i did and it was correct, Reply Did you do your tax return with the same info from last year or did you start from scratch? Reply I received the infamous 1121 code when my $5000 refund didn’t go into my checking as the Where’s My Refund site it would in April 2014. I have made 7 attempts to work with the IRS but they never follow through or can tell me what the problem is. They say it’s not the return, it’s a refund issue. Visited a local office and they did a referral, but they are confused why I’m not getting my money. No one calls, no one from the IRS writes, no nothing. My accountant tells me that only two of us are having the same problem. We are a newly married couple in 2013 having done single returns and so is the other party that can’t get an answer from the IRS. The Taxpayer Advocate group still won’t help unless we are losing our home, even though the local IRS office says they should help because it’s been so, so long with nothing. Anyone else having a problem like this? I wouldn’t care so much if they didn’t owe me so much, but they do. My accountant has called and gotten nothing, but said I should probably ask my local congressional office for assistance. I don’t think that would do much to be honest. Any ideas? Thank you. Reply I forgot to mention above that we file married filing jointly for 2014, separate returns were for earlier years. Reply We filed our taxes last year here it is almost time to do so again and MO still hasn’t gotten us outr state refund we better get it this year Reply « Older Comments Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles TurboTax News TurboTax’s New Super Bowl Ad… Starring Issa Rae! Self-Employed How Can I Avoid Paying Tax on Rental Income? 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I filed on 01/27 and accepted the same day. I think it will take 5-7 days to get it approved. So I will check on Feb 1st and let you guys know. Thnx Reply
My friend did her taxes on 1/26 was received the same day, 2 days later it was approved with a dd of 2/03 she used taxslayer. I did my taxes on 1/28 using the free version of turbotax, TT said it was received within a couple hours but the WMR status keeps showing me last years information. My boyfriend did his taxes this morning on TT and paid for the deluxe version bc he had so many forms to file, it was accepted in less than an hour and the WMR tool already updated and says it was received. I called the irs, was on hold for 2 hours before I finally hung up. No idea what’s going on. Apparently the free version on TT is being janky. Reply
I was accepted on 1/22/15 and it was received by the irs but it hasn’t been approved yet and my friend filed after me and already has a ddd of 2/1/15 and im still waiting to be approved….has anyone else been approved that filed on 1/22/15? Reply
my taxes were accepted on 1/23/2015, but the status has not changed. i have already received my state refund this week. What would cause it to delay at this point? Reply
I filed and was accepted on the same date 01/23 but still under received status; it has not moved; I have back taxes due to IRS which I have been paying monthly but could the debt create a delay on my refund this year. Reply
I see a lot of people are having the same problem as me. I had efiled my taxes on 1/15/15 and then received an email saying it was accepted 1/16/15. It is now 1/30/15 and the WMR app still says processing. Meanwhile my girlfriend filed her taxes the same day and she received her dirext deposit today. There’s not really much we can do but play the wait game. Of course your nerves go crazy because now you’re wondering if you made a mistake and wondering about every bad situation probable. Just hang tight like me and hopefully they’ll be approved soon. Reply
I’m still waiting on mine it was accepted on 1/ 15. I got a letter that I needed to file the forms for Obama care. I faxed those in and it has been 2 more weeks and it is still just processing. But the letter said could be another 6-8 weeks
I filed on the 20th and it was accepted on the 21st and has just sat there since then and has not moved to approved. It is so frustrating checking every day and no progress. Mine was a simple return, 1 child and just wages – no credits, no property, no nothing so you would like it would just fly right on through. Reply
my transcript says tax refund issued on February 16, 2015…? what does this mean ? I was accepted on 1/12/2015 and still no ddd…. Reply
Pennie, Mine is the same way. All zeros but has by February 16, 2015. No bars on WMR since around the 16th and amount had disappeared but amount came back this past Sunday. Have you seen any changes or updates since you posted this? I’m an 05er so I’m not expecting any updates until Friday, but this is beyond frustrating. I have officially been hung-up on 3 times today by the IRS when I ask them to check to see if there is an issue. Reply
I think it’s crazy. I filed on the 20th of January, accepted the same day, and now it’s processing. Today makes 10 days. What’s going on? Are they taking the entire 21 days? Have anyone gotten a refund? Does anyone know how often the IRS system updates? My sister filed after I did and she received her funds today. How is that possible? Reply
I was accepted on Jan 12th and Im still waiting… so annoyed. No bars and a processing date of 3-2-2015 on my transcript but no DDD Reply
Sounds the same as me, except I received the 4464C letter yesterday saying I was being reviewed! My taxes haven’t changed in years!
Last year it took me almost 12 weeks for mine but this year I had a PIN number I filed the first week of feb and got my taxes back February 10th. Also it depends on what tax service especially in Maryland lately as I have read in the news. But they are really cracking down on fraud and have been reviewing almost everyone’s taxes Sent from my iPhone >
My return was accepted on 1/13. I checked WMR and it is now 01/30 and WMR still says processing….Ahhhh, this is so frustrating. I filed with tax act. Is anyone else waiting? Reply
I filed mines on the 23rd of Jan.. When I go check my status on IRS.GOV..It doesnt even give me the bars. I just gives me a message your tax return is still being processed.. A refund date will be provided when avail.. Reply
someone please help! I filed with TT on the 18th and was excepted on the 20th WMR doesn’t show a return was filed and I know the information I am putting in is correct! Reply
sbbt received and took there money and says my refund was sent to my debit card this am, hasnt shown yet, do u think it will be there by tomorrow am? Reply
I filed 1/20 approved 1/20 as well at just sitting stuck on accepted and NOT approved ugh! Why does the IRS not like go on order, I see a lot of us filed 1/20 and do not have a DDD but some from 1/24 do what the heck! Reply
Is there a difference in how refunds are being handled or pushed through when you use the totally free version….I have been a turbo tax user for yrs and always had my refunds in usually a week …I now have easier taxes and used the free version and now its been 8 days and just accepted …not even approved yet …….. my daughter still used a more expensive version for more complicated taxes and will have her refund deposited in just a week. Reply
I used free version filed 17th got accepted 20th still nothing since then. Friend used paid version filed 19th and got money on 30th. Seems pretty fishy to me Reply
I don’t believe that makes a difference. I paid for the version I used. It says mine was received by the IRS on 1/22. Today is officially early hours of 2/2 and mine just still says it is processing. Very frustrating considering most people I know that filed the same time as me already have their money back! Reply
Can someone please let me know the average turn around time to go from accepted to approved? Above it says a few days but that is very vague. I am just trying to get a better idea. Reply
I filed and was accepted 1/21. I was approved 1/26 and got a dd of 1/30. I’m having the fees taken out of my refund so it goes to SBBT first. I checked that bank this morning and they had my refund and says it will be released to me tomorrow Reply
Ok so i filed and was accepted on the 21st just like you selena but its the 29th and i still have not been approved or got a ddd yet. As well my fees are being taken out of my refund to like you. What is SBBT anyways? I just want my refund approved and to know when ill be getting my money deposited in my bank account
I filed 1/21 was accepted the same day and approved 1/26 with DD 1/30. The more information that they must verify the longer it takes to get approved. My mom has filed the exact same way every year for 10 plus years so she was accepted and approved faster than me because I got married so I had a name change and a new dependent. Reply
I hope you find the answer because I’ve been wondering and trying to figure out the same thing. Mine was accepted on the 20th and here its been 11 days and still haven’t got approved. But a friend of mine got accepted a few days after me and she got approved today I just don’t understand it. Reply
I had filed on 1/17 accepted 1/21 got a ddd on 1/31 of 2/4. I will say it took me 11 days but last year it also took 11days. Filed/accepted 2/19/14 approved 3/1/14 for 3/5/14 and mines always on Wednesday. I have read on igotmyrefund that depending if your a weekly or daily account that will make up for how long it takes. Weekly gets an update once a week I believe on fridays and daily is pretty self explanatory so thats why some people take couple of days and others longer
I filed on the 20th as well how is it people who file days after me are getting theirs already and mine is still processing this is BS Reply
I was accepted on the 21 and still not approved but my sister was accepted on the 20 n hers was deposited today and dey have a hold saying they need to verifybut y is mines still stuck on the first bar what ttime do they update Reply
The same with me I filed the 19th and accepted on the 20th and it’s still saying processing my mother and cousin filed after me and they received there refund on the 30th Reply
I was accepted on 1/12/15 and I still don’t have a DDD. All it says is that it is processing and a refund date will be given when it becomes available. I have been using TT since 2008, this is the 1st year I have had any issues. My transcripts say N/A….. anyone else have the same message? Reply
I’m in the same boat as your Nicole, accepted on same day but hasnt changed on WMR and I just checked and no transcripts. Has me a little worried Reply
I am in the exact same position. Mine was accepted on the 12th and still says processing. I’m freaking out a bit. Reply
Same acceptance date, and all I am seeing on Where’s my Refund is still being processed. No dd or three step bar and code 152. So in the same boat. I am freaking out Reply
Yes mine is exactly the same and I have been using since 2008. Next year I will not be filing early.I will actually wait a couple of days because this is just ridiculous…
hi mine was accepted on the 22nd and is still in process as of this morning. i did my daughters on the 24th and as of this morning her’s has been approved with a date of Feb 2nd anyone else had this problem. her state has been processed and approved as well and mine is still in processing Reply
Update mine has been processed with a date of by the 4th. So the turn around time is about 8 days or less. Reply
I filed on the 18th and was accepted on 20th not approved yet. I’m afraid because last year they made file my 2011 taxes the old school way. I didn’t receive my direct deposit till May 6th, 2014. So I’m in panic mode. Reply
Same here. I filed on 1/20 and was accepted just minutes later. But still has not been approved. I have never had this happen in the past. Idk if it is because I use the free turbo tax where everything was absolutely free. I usually use the one where I have to pay like $30. Idk if that has anything to do with it. This is crazy. Reply
Hi i filed mine on Jan 21 and it says Accepted also. I dont understand cause people are getting theres with days Reply
I filed mine and was accepted on the 22nd, and I haven’t received my refund yet either. I have a topic 152 error. Did you all have marketplace insurance?
I filed by Turbo Tax on the 21st and was accepted that same day, the WMR still states that I am in Accept status. I havent even moved to the Processing status and my due date per Turbo Tax id the 2/11/2015, and of course the 21 day wait per IRS is 2/20. But if I go by the refund schedule for 2015, it states that all that were accepted from 1/20-1/30 will rcv it by 2/5/2015. THAT IS A LIE! I havent even been processed in or to get it here in the next 4 days. What is going on. Im getting worried. And plus I tried calling and of course NO LIVE AGENT!
Still waiting also. My state return was sent to my direct deposit on the 27th and I haven’t received it yet. My federal says its still processing. I filed using Turbo Tax on the 22nd. Reply
Same here! Filed first thing on the 20th and, as of right now, minehave been accepted but not approved. WWe’ve never waited this long to be approved and get a deposit date. Reply
I filed on the 23rd and was accepted the same day. It still says processing as of this morning. No update Reply
Yes. Me. Do u have marketplace insurance. I have marketplace insurance and I know people that have filed after me and already have their money Reply
I think you are right Tina! It seems like every person I know who has marketplace insurance has not gotten a DDD yet and WMR still says it is processing.
I filed on the 20th and it said accepted but now the bars are gone with a message that says it is processing and I will receive a date. I tried to check a little while ago and it says that the site is down? Reply
I filed my taxes on the 16th and it got accepted on the 20th but still haven’t not been approved. Is anyone’s else going through the same thing? My wmr just says recieved. Don’t know if I should be worried or not… Reply
I am in the position … I filed on the 16th and didn’t get accepted until the 20th but still have not been approved… I have never had an issues with my taxes until now… some please give us answers or at least educate on what to wait on … Reply
I filed on the 18th and was accepted on 20th not approved yet. I’m afraid because last year they made file my 2011 taxes the old school way. I didn’t receive my direct deposit till May 6th, 2014. So I’m in panic mode. Reply
I have filed early and my refund was accepted on the 12th (like many others) but there is no status bar and it states it is still processing. Someone I know filed 2 weeks after me and already got a refund. This is the longest I have ever waited and without a true update on the status. Also, turbotax states 0% received their money so far and that is clearly incorrect! Reply
I am having the very same problem Fran. It doesn’t help to call. I called and they told me that the IRS didn’t start accepting returns until the 20th, which is untrue because my return was accepted on 01/13. And that we have to wait 21 days before we get any info. This happened to me in 2013. And I didn’t receive my return until January 2014. So I hope this isn’t a repeat. Reply
I filed early as well and was accepted on the 12th too. I also have no status other than being accepted on the 12th. I called this morning and spoke to a very rude woman who said to give it 3 weeks for an update!!! Ive never waited this long. Reply
Mine was done the 20th but still has not been accepted by the IRS! Anyone else getting this delay also? Reply
I did mine also the 20th did my son’s the 27th he has his money I’m on first bar still any update on yours Reply
I filed on the 27th and still have not be accepted. Wish i knew what was going on. Irs told me to refile and did and was rejected because of duplicate ssns. Turbotax says its because my taxes are at the irs agencies just not accepted or rejected yet. Makes me nervous that i did something wrong. Did my kids next day and theres was approved within 30 minutes. Reply
Yes, I filed on the 20th and has not been accepted. My tax preparer says it was not rejected but it does not show on the website as received??? What is going on?? Reply
I filed on the 27th and still have nit been accepted by the irs. Wish i knew what to do. im getting nervous that i did something wrong. Reply
I filed on 1/20 accepted same day. WMR has just said it was being processed and on one bar. This morning bars are gone and no DDD. Transcript doesnt have any crazy codes. Does this mean I will have a date soon? I know I have a offset from last year but they told me it wouldn’t delay my refund this year. Reply
I am in same boat stuck on processing since Jan 16 never had this issue before on That lived used that for 9 yrs Reply
i filed on the 12th and got accepted i didnt get approved until the 31st. with an dd of feb 4th Reply
I was accepted on the 20th approved the 28th I called the DOR and they said its still processing? which system do I go by? they gave me a disposit date of the 30 and credited to my account by the 4th. im confused whats goin ? am I getting my refund or not? Reply
You go by the date the IRS gives you. They are telling you that the money will be sent to your account by the 30th but if you haven’t received it by the 4th then contact your bank to see why. Reply
I filed mine on 01/22/15 in I jus checked my refund it says approved with a date finally…. I hope that this was helpful good luck everyone Reply
My friends say accepted will be sent by jan 30 however mine hasn’t moved we filed same time any idea why or maybe it just didn’t update Reply
My refund was accepted on January 20 and wmr still has not approved my return. Has anyone rcvd a update on their refund? Things seem to have moved along faster last year. Reply
I’m still waiting on mine too Toya. I filed and was accepted on 1/20/2015 and still pending on WMR. My co-worker filed on 1/20/2015 and has been approved as of this morning with a date for Feb. 6th. Hopefully we’ll have good news later tonight or in the morning… Reply
Hopefully everyone should be approved soon. I filed 1/21 and have dd of 1/30. Just popped up this morning so I anticipate everyone that filed that week should be getting approved soon
Same here. I’m still waiting on it and I’m wondering if they’re going by last name in alphabetical order Reply
Mine is that way also I belive the people that sent theirs in early are being pushed away. The IRS has obviously done something to those early filers because everyone I see that sent theirs on the 12th are not being approved at all
Joshua I’m having the same problem I was accepted 01/12/2015. WMR only show still processing with no dad. I don’t understand I know people that filed 01/25/2015 and received their refund in a few days I’m confused.
I feel you. I noticed everyone that filed and was accepted on 12th has same status message still processing ..wonder if our date was the lucky pick to audit
I filed my taxes on Jan 20th, accepted the same day & from WMR I will be getting a deposit on Jan 30th:) Reply
My status still says processing on the web site but my bank account shows my refund is being sent Friday Reply
How does your account see that? I hope I can see it on mine because most people have filed way after and have a date. I have nothing! Reply
I e filed January 13 and its still saying recieved but not approved. I was hoping to have the money by the 1st.y state refund is already deposited in my account. Has anyone been approved yet????? Reply
My refund was sone 1/15/2015, accepted 1/16/2015 and no ddd anyone know why this is? My brother did his after me and his is approved and he is getting refund tomorrow! Reply
i filed my taxes on 1/21 and they were acdepted on the same day. everytime i check wmr it still says accepted. after 6 days it still hasnt changed. im hoping it will be here soon. Reply
Mine also was accepted the same day. Hopefully we’ll be able to view our transcripits within the next 48 hours Reply
Yah i did mine the same day the 21st and got accepted by the irs and says its been recieved and there processing my tax return i hope sometime this week they update it to approved and give me a date for my DD Reply
Last year it did go a lot faster but since they have all of the new audits in place they are trying to make sure everything goes smoothly Reply
I filed early. Turbotax said i was accepted on the 12th. but the WMR on the IRS web page still says refund being processed. Does this mean i wasnt accepted by the IRS? Reply
Mine was accepted on the 20th and approved yesterday and it also shows that the money will be sent to my account on Friday. Hope this helps Reply
I filled on the 24th and mine was approved today and they said I will have it by febuary 2nd hope this helps Reply
I live in Md and I filed on 01/19/15, was accepted on 01/20/2015 and its now 01/24/2015 and I still have one bar and the topic 152 when I check wmr. I hear many stories about the irs big update tonight/Sunday morning and we should get our DDD dates …is this true? I heard so many rumors of what’s going to happen my head is spinning. Only known fact is that no one has received a DDD date as of yet or a fed refund. Reply
I will say its true only speaking from last year experience. I had filed 2/19/14 approved 3/1/14 wasnt able to view transcripits that previous date and with 3/1/14 had being a weekend I will say more then likely they’ll be approving on weekends this year Reply
I filed on the 22nd and my state return was acepted according to turbotax but when I look it up on my md website it says it has not been processed Reply
I checked my transcripts this morning it said N/A I checked this afternoon it has 2014 up there but nothing happens when I click on it what does that mean please help Reply
I wanted to write an update to my previous comment. I checked the IRS website and mine was approved and it shows that it will be sent to my account on Friday. It looks like it took 8 days to get approved. Reply
if any one want to speak with a live rep call 1800 829 1040 put in the numbers 12142 and it will ask for your social and date of birth and transfer you to a live person Reply
I was accepted on 12th and it still says “Your return is being processed” with no update for the last 2 weeks. Reply
I filed on 1/20/15 was accepted the same day , wondering when I will be approved and will receive a direct deposit date. Reply
I was also approved on the 20th but I too have not received an update as to when I would receive my refund. It seems like it’s taking a little longer than last year. I figured since they opened it up early that they would start processing faster. Guess not. Reply
I was kind of worried thinking I was the only one that hasn’t been approved but it looks like they have not approved anyone. I’ve been patiently waiting but nothing.
hi i filed my tax return on 1/13 with turbotax free, but closer to the end it never asked me for a irs pin to efile it. i put my bank account info and it said that it has been efiled. my status now shows pending, i called turbotax and no one seemed to know why it didnt ask me for that info. the rep i spoke to told me his superviser informed him that im the first person that this has ever happened to , i find this hard to believe. my question is this, what to expect now? dont i have to have a irs pin? Reply
Yes my pin is the last five numbers of my socials..It is how they identify who you say you are… Reply
Don’t file furniture whatever you do. Last year I was pulled for a tax audit, the IRS never even did the audit. The IRS is holding people money. Thus lady was pulled for audit for 2012 and 2013 because the pull you for an audit 2 years in a row, She got get 2012 tax return in the summer of 2014 and hadn’t gotten get 2013 return yet. Reply
If you’ve filed using turbo tax before the pin is stored for following years. I put my pin in 2009 and haven’t had to again.
Try your zip code. As I submitted my return, I noticed a spot that showed my pin was my zip code. I never entered it in though, it just created it for me.
if you don’t have a i.r.s.pen you could have use your gross wages from your last year taxes which is your gross wages what you made last year.That is what i did and it was correct, Reply
I received the infamous 1121 code when my $5000 refund didn’t go into my checking as the Where’s My Refund site it would in April 2014. I have made 7 attempts to work with the IRS but they never follow through or can tell me what the problem is. They say it’s not the return, it’s a refund issue. Visited a local office and they did a referral, but they are confused why I’m not getting my money. No one calls, no one from the IRS writes, no nothing. My accountant tells me that only two of us are having the same problem. We are a newly married couple in 2013 having done single returns and so is the other party that can’t get an answer from the IRS. The Taxpayer Advocate group still won’t help unless we are losing our home, even though the local IRS office says they should help because it’s been so, so long with nothing. Anyone else having a problem like this? I wouldn’t care so much if they didn’t owe me so much, but they do. My accountant has called and gotten nothing, but said I should probably ask my local congressional office for assistance. I don’t think that would do much to be honest. Any ideas? Thank you. Reply
I forgot to mention above that we file married filing jointly for 2014, separate returns were for earlier years. Reply
We filed our taxes last year here it is almost time to do so again and MO still hasn’t gotten us outr state refund we better get it this year Reply