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  • IRS Announces They Are Working on a New 1040 Tax Form: Intuit TurboTax Has Got You Covered

IRS Announces They Are Working on a New 1040 Tax Form: Intuit TurboTax Has Got You Covered

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Today the IRS announced they are working on changes to the 1040 tax forms. The IRS said that “this new approach will simplify the 1040 so that all 150 million taxpayers can use the same form. The new form consolidates the three versions of the 1040 into one simple form.”  In addition to shortening Form 1040 to a postcard-sized return, the changes eliminate Forms 1040EZ and 1040A and increase the number of tax schedules supporting Form 1040 by six additional forms.

The 1040 forms (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ) are the most common tax forms.  The announcement today is the first major change to 1040 tax forms in decades.  But don’t worry, TurboTax has you covered.  Our teams are working with the IRS and Treasury and our products will be up to date for next tax season, so you can file with complete confidence.

As you know, tax time is one time of the year many get a full snapshot of their financial picture.  Taxpayers’ active participation in tax preparation is the backbone of the American tax system, giving them a better understanding of their true financial picture.

Who will be able to file with the new Form 1040?

If you have a straightforward tax situation and claim the standard deduction you will probably be able to file your taxes using the new Form 1040.  

If you have itemized deductions, your tax deductions will still be included on Schedule A.  Itemized deductions include deductions for homeowners like home mortgage interest, property taxes, and interest paid on a home equity line of credit used to improve your home.

Don’t worry about knowing the new tax laws and forms changes.  TurboTax will make sure our products are up to date at tax time and that your tax filing process is as easy and understandable as possible. If you still have questions at tax time about how tax reform and forms changes impact you, you can connect live via one-way video to a TurboTax Live CPA or Enrolled Agent to get your tax questions answered.

Check back with the TurboTax Blog Tax Reform Hub and the TurboTax Tax Reform Center for updates on 1040 tax form changes.

841 responses to “IRS Announces They Are Working on a New 1040 Tax Form: Intuit TurboTax Has Got You Covered”

  1. How does this simplify things when you the tax law requires the addition of 6 more schedules ? How stupid !

    Just because the three 1040 firms are consolidated doesn’t simply things if it requires the addition of 6 schedules !!!

  2. I just looked at my 2017 tax return generated with TurboTax and my standard deduction was $15,200 and my personal exemption was (for 2) $8100. I filed as married filing jointly with my wife and I taking personal exemptions. This adds up to $23,300. If all of this is being replaced by a standard deduction of $24000, I save a whooping $700! What a scam! And why was my calculated standard deduction $15,200 when you keep reporting that last year’s standard deduction was $12,700?

  3. I was reading about changes in taxes on capital gains. Based on having a much lower income (we are both retired and only one of us is collecting Social Security at this time) I am thinking I may not have to pay any taxes on my long or short term capital gains. Do you know what these new limits on income are that impact taxes on capital gains?

  4. I am confused. Can we still deduct Medical expenses, medical insurance premiums, Long Term Care Premiums, as well as state sales tax. Al Kissling

  5. So if my mortgage interest is lets say, 21,000 a year. My property taxes 6000, state taxes 10,000 and charitable 8,000? I can itemize A. 21,000 mort int. + 10,000 for property, state (max) plus charitable for a total of $39,000. Or, B. 10,000 mort int, prop taxes 6000, state tax 10,000 (max) are all inc in max 10,000?plus charitable of 8,000 Which would mean I use the 24,000 + 8,000 charitable for a total of $32,000?

  6. What about folks 65 and older? My understanding is the standard deduction is increasing to $13,500. Please address.

  7. Hi Lisa,

    What product should I use for working in multiple states CT, DE, VA, MD for my 2018 tax return and will I have to file them by mail or can I e-file them?

    Ed Hawes

  8. Hi Lisa. I am small busness owner and I believe I qualify for the “pass through” deduction, however I have employees. The calculations are quite complicated. Will Turbo Tax for business be able to calculate the proper metrics? I have used Turbo Tax for over 20 years and depend on it for my business! Clark

  9. Are transportation workers…Airline pilots and flight attendants still able to deduct their travel expenses?? Overseas traveler here.

  10. Currently, dividends are not taxable if you are in the 15% tax bracket. Does that continue? Also, have there been any changes to the amount of social security income that is taxable?

  11. What about the exemptions for folks over 65 (retired)? And those who are legally blind? Those exemptions no longer apply? Now, the old folks in retirement only get the double exemption like a 30-something married couple who are still working and get a paycheck?

  12. I have a child who needs tutoring to help her with her Dyslexia and ADHD. How do I deduct this from my taxes and what documentation do I need to do so.

  13. I see this situation happening for me. I live in Arkansas and I believe that I will benefit from itemizing on my State Tax Return but will not have more than 24,000 in deductions for the federal return. Will Turbo Tax recognize this and file my returns accordingly. I have used Turbo Tax for many years.

  14. I don’t feel very good about the constant updates I still get every-time I open TurboTax, even still get them after April 15. TurboTax may be ready but the Feds and States must not be! I always feel that if I allow the updates then you will change my return I filed back in Feburary.
    Why can’t the IRS get things right or at least wait to make changes?

  15. if I used the standard deductions last year and everything else remains the same will my taxes reduce and by how much if my tax rate was 25 percent?

  16. For 2017 I could not download my info from TD Ameritrade Institutional – when I logged in to get the info, TD Ameritrade didn’t recognize me because I’m with their Insitutional segment (password doesn’t work at the TD Ameritrade website). Will you add the “Institutional” segment for 2018 to make it possible to download the info rather than doing it all manually?

  17. This upcoming Tax Time 2017 is in Feb 2018. so…
    1.yes ,We should keep our “Donations to Charity” forms to be able to claim their value toward a refund as a home owner at this upcoming tax time, or…
    2. No, We are not able to deduct our “Donations to Charity” and there is no need to collect forms to be able to claim their value toward a refund as a home owner.

  18. Does the new tax changes eliminate the taxing of the Seniors Social Security income i.e. old form line 20a/20b?

  19. My wife has been receiving disability payments from her employer since 2016. They also had her apply to Social Security for the disability payments. Social security finally granted her the disability payments retroactive to 2016, but she had to repay most of that to her employer. Will one of the TurboTax products help us with that return do we only have to pay taxes on her portion from Dovisl Security she did not have to repay to her employer?

  20. Above you say that one can deduct interest on home equity loan if used for home improvement. Does this remain true? I thought home equity interest was not going to be deductible.

  21. I’m retired and could basically use the simple IRS Tele-file, except for a legacy HSA account (old HSA from previous years Health Insurance choice). My question is, do I still need to file a long, unnecessary, 1040 because of this old HSA account that I still have ?

  22. Do we still need to bother with entering information from K-1 Forms on the new tax returns ? Sometimes entering these forms is complex and it takes a lot of time until the companies come out with them. Sometimes as late as end of March

  23. I have a suggestion, link Taxcaster to Turbotax 2017 to quickly see what our 2018 tax liability might be. Make it easier on Turbotax users.

  24. Im a self employed senior fitness instructor with a number of expenses. Certifications, trainings, business licenses, education, mileage, promotional, class expenses….can i still deduct all that?

  25. How does the new tax law effect retirees over 65. Does our standard deduction go up to $26,500 or does it stay at $ 24,000

  26. As an employee with a 1040 who is in outside sales are these deductions still available
    My wife is a 1099 employee but also has traveling expenses
    What are the diffeences

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