What do late breaking tax changes mean for you and your family?

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Hearing some buzz about late breaking tax changes, but not sure what it means for you and your family?  Don’t worry, you aren’t alone.

Bob Meighan, our go-to tax guy, breaks down what these changes are and how they could affect you in an interview with ABC News NOW.


Still have questions?  Leave them in the comments and we will try to help answer them in Bob’s upcoming blog post.

5 responses to “What do late breaking tax changes mean for you and your family?”

  1. If I claim the Home Energy Credit, do I also depreciate the expense? Do I include the costs associated with the rental apartment in my primary residence on Schedule E?

  2. It is now Jan 22. I bought my TT version 2-3 weeks ago. Will IRS changes that were made before the end of 2010 be taken care of in this version of Turbo Tax?

  3. The man from turbo tax said during his interview on ABC News that Congress decission will probably be made in December or in 2011. And turbo tax software will be updated immediately, want if you buy the desktop software(CD) vs the online filing how wil updates get to me, I buy the desktop (CD).

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