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Does your move to another state trigger a special health care enrollment period?

While the deadline to buy health insurance on the Marketplace for 2016 has passed, people can still get coverage during other times of the year during a special enrollment period under certain circumstances, one of which being moving. Here’s what you need to know to determine if your move triggers a special enrollment period.

Moving to another state is one of the most common reasons cited for a special enrollment period to sign up for or switch health insurance plans. But the residency requirements for a “permanent move” special enrollment period recently changed on the Marketplace:

However, moving temporarily to a state for medical treatment at a hospital does not meet the residency standard nor does it trigger a special enrollment period because the absence is short-lived.

To apply for a special enrollment period, visit or your state’s online Health Insurance Marketplace.  Or, if you have moved for a new job, make sure you look into your employer’s coverage options when you start.

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